SongHero is a platform that creates money-earning opportunities for songwriters and artists by connecting them with charities. SongHero brokers commissions of original music that is used to market, promote and advance the fundraising goals of nonprofits.
SongHero is for songwriters and artists who are looking to grow their audiences and increase their earnings.
It’s also for charities who are seeking to tap into new sources of fundraising while inspiring and activating a new generation.
If you’re a songwriter or musical artist, SongHero helps you create licensing and sync opportunities for your original songs by placing them with nonprofits for use in charities’ fundraising campaigns. So you can earn money with your music, build your audience and help support a good cause you believe in. Sign up here to get started.
If you’re a charity interested in harnessing the power of music to increase your fundraising potential, contact us here, and we’ll be happy to tell you more and answer any questions you may have.
We are a team of musicians and songwriters who care about making the world a better, fairer place. Our team includes former executives from Spotify, MTV, and major record and publishing entities, with decades of experience and endless passion for music.
While we are based in the US, with offices in New York, LA, Nashville, and Miami, SongHero is a comprehensive global marketplace for songwriters, musical artists, and charity organizations around the world.
AMPP is the parent company of SongHero.
AMPP is a holding company. SongHero is one of several brands that exist beneath the umbrella of the AMMP parent company, but unlike AMPP, SongHero is a platform with which users can interact directly.